TP-CASTT Poetry Analysis


Title                    Think about the title before reading the poem

Paraphrase       Translate the poem into your own words. Translate sentence by sentence,

                            NOT line by line. Note whether there is any sort of pattern or progression

                            to the poem (for example, general to specific, night to day, least to most,

                            external to internal, or chronological)


Connotation     Look for meaning beyond the literal. What poetic devices are used and

                            how do they contribute to the meaning, the effect, or both in the poem?

                           particularly consider imagery, simile, metaphor, personification,

                           symbolism, diction, point of view, and sound devices such as alliteration,

                           onomatopoeia, rhythm, and rhyme. Also look at any other devices from

                           your packet that may apply.


Attitude         Who is the speaker and who might be his/her audience? What is both the

                        speaker’s and the poet’s attitude (tone)?


Shifts              Are there any shift in speakers or in attitudes?


Title                 On an interpretive level, what might the title mean?


Theme              What message is the poet trying to get across?